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Anna's Reflection

        As I look back on the interview with Jeff, I can't help but appreciate the amount of passion and dedication he has for his work. Not only does Jeff make money doing what he loves, but he also improves the planet in the process. I enjoyed learning about his environmental work, but I was also very happy that Jeff threw a few words of wisdom into his interview responses. He told us to do a lot of different things in life and try multiple career paths, which I think is very sound advice. While it can be good to know exactly what one wants to do in life, it can also be determinantal to cease to try new careers and have new experiences; the only way to grow and learn is to push oneself out of one's comfort zone. Jeff also mentioned how easy it is to get caught up in the "day-to-day" and to forget to take time out to relax or exercise. He also advised us to get involved in a lot of activities; also very sound advice. 

        In terms of our overriding question, "can literature save the environment," I think Jeff's "silver bullet" concept provides a sufficient answer. When Alina asked Jeff his opinion on the best solutions for climate change, he responded: "We keep looking for the silver bullet. We keep looking for this magic technology, which means that none of us will change what we do (again getting back to individual action). We could conserve probably 10% of our transportation needs just by people changing their individual habits." So can literature save the environment? No. It's not a silver bullet, it can't do it all. But can it help? Yes, without a doubt. It is clear that literature is key factor in inspiring Jeff's environmental work and Jeff in turn is a key player in improving the natural environment. If literature is inspiring more people like Jeff, than surely it has a positive impact. Literature alone can't undo all the wrongs humans have worked on the planet; it can't single-handedly reverse the melting of polar ice caps or eliminate severe weather events, but it can have a visible impact. One book or one piece of technology can't utterly change the world, but multiple books, multiple technologies, and multiple changes of habit can all work together to make the natural world around us much healthier than it is today.

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Alina's Reflection

You know it's going to be an interesting interview when you start by asking "can literature save the environment," and Jeff responds with "no." But the more he spoke about his work and beliefs about the environment, the more convinced I became about the power of literature and individuals. 

Jeff spoke a lot about how change in the environment would have to come from the individual, and literature is a large part of that. The books that have impacted him personally have caused him to make certain changes, decisions, and understand new perspectives. 

Books and literature provide us with unique ideas that are easily accessible and enjoyable, and it's through those insights that we learn the most. I think it's important to explore the relationship between the books we read and the actions we take because of them. Literature potentially holds the inspiration necessary to move people towards actions. 

That being said, I'm in agreement with Jeff's assertion that literature, by itself, is not sufficient. I believe literature can act as an inspiration, an instigation, or a catalyst, but I don't think it can function as a savior. 

So, can literature save the environment? No. Can literature impact, influence, and bring awareness to the environment, which helps spark change? Absolutely.

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