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Taoism and Confucian

Taoism and Confucian are two most important ideologies in the Chinese history. However, the ways they are treating the same thing are derivative into two opposite sides.


Taoism thinks that everything is one, they share the same origin. Whatever is going on, what people should do is nothing, "take-no-action" or "Wuwei". Because whatever the action that human beings take is affecting the environemnt. However, the environment should not be changed, everything should follow the one and be natural.


Confucian, thinks that people need to complish four steps in their lives -- 修身齐家治国平天下. Means, people first need to educate themselves, then comfort and raise the family, after these, they can manage the nation or country, and to the final goal to conquer the world. Confucian asks people to be "Youwei", means to take action. It is in the contrast way of Taoism.

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